You really can find the strangest things, by searching
the web for Turrican. This time it's a set of Turrican Benders! (In
Germany Benders are part of the Conter Strike scene, and more and
more part of the general online gaming scene.)
There are all types of Benders, but those surprised me. :D
Those Benders come from Patrick Dehen, also kown as pat design, and
for Counter-Strikers he is [ACPS]Turrican.
To create one of those Benders, Patrick spared no pains: First he
drew them in an oversized form with a pencil, only to copy them on
another sheet of paper with a fine liner, to make them scannable.
After scanning, he colorized them on the PC, and resized them to the
normal Bender format.
At the bottom here are some more TurricanBenders of
his, including one for Christmas.
Some of them are a bit older, and he doesn't like them too much anymore,
however, the should be here. ;)
The animated Bender reminds you of something? Well seen! <-
That one is mady be Patrick as well! By the way, he also made this
smiley , which is
now a standard one!