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It really gets nearer.... I finishged the extro video, so did I the title lettering... allmost everything is finished! I'm only waiting for one additional soundtrack of CZ-Tunes, which should be finished soon, as he's finally got more free time (And finished allready much other great tracks :)), and I'm waiting for a nice title screen I got promised! So here I release some screenshots. Für Opera users: Shots in archive

The next thing to come, as allways, will be a video.

Information: Underearth will include 8 levels, 5 of them made with graphics completely made by myself, and 3 with mixed graphics (New things and old Turrican graphics) .
4 levels will be assisted with CZ-Tunes tracks, one with a Ralph Weinert track.. That's not all by CZ-Tunes, the title music, the extro track, several boss tracks, the Game Over music, even the level-complete sound, all mady by CZ-Tunes!
Underearth was and stays quite a hard challenge, but note: There are lots of lives and extras well hidden in the levels, so those, who have a good look, will sureley make it to the end.
The final release comes with two brand new levels, and many updates in graphics and gameplay in the old ones.